Thursday, February 14, 2008

美味的广式清蒸鱼 Cantonese-style steamed fish


Ingredients: 1 fresh fish(about 500g-600g), 2 stalks green onion, 3 slices ginger, 1 cup green onion shreds, 1/2 cup cilantro sections


Seasonings: 2 tbsp light colored soy sauce, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1/2 tbsp wine, 3 tbsp water, a pinch of white pepper


1. 鱼彻底刮干净鱼鳞,洗清鱼肚内的杂物,擦干水分,如有需要,在肉厚的背部直划一刀。
2. 葱切成长段,铺在蒸盘内,把鱼放在葱段上,鱼身上放上姜片。
3. 葱丝泡入冷水中,过3-5分钟滤出,备用。

Preparation steps:

1. Scale the fish; clean out the insides, pat dry. Make a cut on each side of fish if the fish meat is thick.
2. Cut green onion into long sections, place on the steaming plate, put fish on top, then put ginger slices on fish.
3. Soak shredded green onion in cold water for 3-5 minutes, drain.


1. 蒸笼或炒锅中的水煮滚,放入鱼盘,大火蒸10-11分钟。
2. 打开锅盖,用竹签或筷子在鱼背上肉较厚的地方试插一下,如无鱼肉沾黏筷子上就表示熟了。取出鱼盘,挟除葱段和姜片,倒掉盘子里的蒸汁。
3. 锅内烧热2大匙油,放下葱丝,立即倒入调好的调味料,一滚立即关火,淋在鱼身上,洒下香菜段,将汁往鱼身上浇淋数次。


1. Put the fish into the steamer when the water is boiling, steam over high heat for about 10-11 minutes.
2. Try with a chopstick to make sure that the fish is done. Remove fish, pour away the liquid from plate, discard green onion and ginger.
3. Heat 2 tbsp of oil in a wok, add shredded green onion and mixed seasonings, turn off the heat right away when it boils. Pour over fish, sprinkle cilantro sections on top, pour the sauce over fish for several times.