Friday, April 23, 2010

丝瓜排骨粥 Congee with Spare Ribs and Silky Squash


Ingredients: rice 100g, salt 1/2tsp, oil 1tbsp, water 18 cups, peanut 60g, spare ribs 480g (chopped into small cubes), ginger 8 slices, silky squash 400g, coriander and spring onion (chopped) a little each

调味料(粥):盐3/4 ~1茶匙、胡椒粉少许

Seasoning(congee): salt 3/4 ~1tsp, pepper a little

1. 米洗净,2. 沥干,3. 拌入盐、油,4. 腌20分钟
5. 排骨洗净,6. 放滚水内拖水,7. 取出,8. 冲净,9. 备10. 用
11. 水放大煲内,12. 加花生、排骨及4片姜煮滚,13. 改用中火,14. 盖好,15. 煲30分钟
16. 然后加米,17. 以中火煲45分钟成粥
18. 丝瓜刨去硬边,19. 切20. 件,21. 烧2汤匙油,22. 爆香4片姜,23. 放入丝瓜炒香
24. 把丝瓜放入粥内,25. 续煲至丝瓜熟
26. 拌入调味料,27. 撒下芫荽、葱即成香滑清甜之明火粥。

Rinse and drain rice, mix with salt and oil, set aside for 20 min
Rinse spare ribs, blanch in boiling water, remove and drain
In a pot, bring water to the boil together with peanuts, 4 slices ginger and spare ribs, cover and cook over medium heat for 30 min
Add rice and continue to cook over medium heat for 45 min until congee consistency
Peel off hard edges from silky squash, cut into bite-sized pieces. Sauté 4 slices ginger, add silky squash and fry for a while
Transfer silky squash to the congee, continue to boil until silky squash is tender
Season to taste, sprinkle in chopped coriander and spring onion. Serve.


First boil spare ribs in water for flavour, then add rice to cook. This will prevent the rice from weighing down by the spare ribs and getting stuck to the pot.
Boil congee for 45~50 min over a steady medium heat to obtain a silky consistency.