Friday, October 3, 2008

海鲜粥 Seafood Rice Gruel


Ingredients: 1 cup of rice, 3 tael oysters, 1/3 fish chop, 4 tael clams, 3 tael shrimps, 3 tael crab sticks, 1 piece of baby ginger, 2 green onions, chinese parseley, 7 cups of broth

A) 蛋白1/2个,盐、太白粉少许
B) 盐1/2茶匙,柴鱼粉、胡椒粉、麻油各少许

A) 1/2 egg white, salt, corn starch
B) 1/2 tsp salt, dried bonito powder, pepper, sesame oil

1. 米洗净,浸泡约30分钟,加入高汤熬煮
2. 虾仁去泥肠,和蚵仔用盐抓洗沥干,鱼板切片,蟹棒撕碎,姜切丝,葱切段
3. 虾仁背部割开,拌调味料(A)稍腌后和蚵仔川烫捞出
4. 粥内放入蛤蜊、鱼板、蟹棒、蚵仔和虾仁、姜丝加调味料(B), 食用前加香菜即可

1. Clean rice, soak for 30 minutes, add broth to cook.
2. Take intestines of shrimps off, clean with oysters by salt, strain. Slice fish chop, tear crab sticks. Shred ginger, cut green onion into pieces.
3. Cut the back of shrimps, mix with (A) to pickle for a while, blanch shrimps and oysters.
4. Put clams, fish chop, crab sticks, oysters, shrimps, and ginger shreds in rice gruel, season with (B). Add chinese parseley before serving.